Safe Routes to School

We encourage all students and families to start and end their school day with a relaxing walk or leisure bike ride. Even a little bit of physical activity has been proven to activate the brain’s learning centers, helping students focus in class and get the most out of their classroom time. Walking and biking to school has positive effects on physical, mental and social health. Plus, families who switch from driving their children to walking or biking with them will find the stress of pick-up and drop-off traffic gone from their lives.

For all of these reasons and more, we are dedicated to the Safe Routes to School program.

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Students biking to school

Not sure if walking or bicycling is right for your family? Give it a try one day a week or during one of our special walking and bicycling events. Or, consider driving part of the way to school and walking the last stretch. No matter what you decide, we’re here to ensure you have a safe trip.


Advocacy Leads to Action

Thanks to the advocacy of our Mahtomedi Safe Routes to School Committee which is organized by Mahtomedi Community Education, we have a new Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) and sidewalks near O.H. Anderson Elementary School for bikers and walkers. A big thank you to the City of Mahtomedi for supporting the Committee’s efforts for safe paths to school in our community.

Click here to watch a video and learn more about how to use RRFBs near OHA.